This part of your day absolutely flies by! Here are a couple of ‘rules’ to keep in mind to ensure your photos are as GORG as possible.
1. Walk slowly down the aisle.
You’re going to look SO GOOD. Give your guests a chance to see you.
2. Look up when walking down the aisle.
Yes you are going to be nervous, but take your time down the aisle and try look up as you’re walking. Look at your future husband, your guests. Take it all in.
3. The give away.
Traditionally, the father of the brides waIks his daughter down the aisle and shakes the hand of the groom. But is he hugging the bride? Is he lifting her veil? Is he just shaking hands with the groom or giving him a hug too? I would recommend practicing or even just discussing this. We don’t want half hugs, half handshakes or the 3 of you just staring at each other not knowing what to do next!
4. Empty the pockets of the groom and groomsmen.
Phones, lighters, etc all show in the photos.
5. Bridal party.
Perhaps my favourite is putting the bridesmaids behind the groom and groomsmen behind the bride. This is so that each can see their “bridal tribe” during the ceremony.
6. THIS ONE. Asking your officiant to move out the way for the first kiss.
Often the photographer will ask the officiant to move out the way for the first kiss but it generally helps if the bridal couple also discusses this with him/her before the ceremony too!
7. The rings.
When putting the rings on, hold them from the underside so they are visible to the photographer.
You are now married - hold that kiss so the photographer can get a good couple of snaps!
9. Don’t be scared of the confetti.
It’s so easy to pull your head back when your guests are throwing confetti straight at your face. But try as best you can to not pull your head back (yes, the dreaded double chin) or close your eyes or cover your face with your arm. Take it all in. It’s only a couple of seconds of hurtling petals!
10. Something different.
Following on from the above, pause whilst walking down the aisle. This makes for GORGEOUS photos!
11. Phones.
And lastly, ask your MC or officiant to remind guests to “keep their phones like their underwear” - HIDDEN for the whole ceremony!