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It’s your wedding day, and time is about to fly past! 


Here are a couple of ‘rules’ to keep in mind to ensure your photos are as GORG as possible. *Give this list to your bridesmaids too! 


The Rules: 


1. No Bras.

Bras make lines on your back and shoulders, which leads to those lines being in all your getting ready photos and so forth. Be free for the morning of the wedding! 


2. No hair ties on your wrists.

Take them off! I know this is one of the most easily overlooked little things.

But believe me, not only will they leave marks on your wrists, but you could forget them on and then BOOM, the dreaded hair ties will be in 

3. No socks.

Same with the hair ties and bras, socks leave lines. Which means your carefully chosen shoes will be accompanied by those dreaded sock lines! 

4. Hanger.

Choose a nice wooden, labelled or unique hanger for your wedding dress. It’s all for the photos! 


5. Buttons or Slip Offs.

Bride and bridesmaids matching robes are a must in my opinion. Cute matching photos of you and your girls. But be certain they either have buttons or you can slip out of them - nothing overhead!

Lifting your PJs over your freshly done hair and make-up is a NO NO. 


And lastly, take your time. It’s YOUR day!

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